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Tuesday, December 15, 2009

How Do I Write A Great Sales Letter?

One thing I remember when I first started out online was how the heck do I write a good sales letter that people will actually read, or even pay any attention to.

You need a sales letter for your products, you hate writing and don't know how to start?

AND... You cannot afford to pay a copywriter? (This is a Big One)

Every marketer on this planet agrees that a sales letter is one of the most important parts of product sales! Without a great sales letter, no matter how great the graphics are, no matter how great the product is, people just don't want to pay you!

Because... They will close your sales page within 5 seconds!

Who wants to read a boring, unattractive sales letter anyway? I don't!

Let's say you hate writing and you don't want to pay a copywriter!

So, what is your option?

Sales Letters Creator 2009

That is what you really need! I sure wish I would have had a tool like this when I started out. All you have to do is use this software to create your own sales letter!

It has:

=> Built in templates with help notes and guidance
=> Step by step creation - Software takes you by the hands
=> Output html file - editable by all html editors

You can create a stunning sales letter that people will want to read and force them to give you money within 20 minutes time!

Sales Letters Creator 2009

To Your Success,

Chad Flick

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