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Thursday, April 21, 2011

I'm Sick Of It I Want To Help You Save

I'm really sick and tired of all the crap that's been going on today! I'm talking about the prices of everything it seems. I'm so tired I even started saving and clipping coupons in order to save money!

I found out that I can use coupons to get discounts at stores for my favorite products and brands and all I need to do is find them, which isn't hard to do at all either.

After doing this for quite some time now I decided I should share the discounts and savings with everyone else. Everyone needs to start doing this!

With that being said I made a big decision... That is to get into the coupon business! I want to to share the same savings and discounts I get with Everyone. Who doesn't like to save money?

So here is what I have for you: Chad Flick's Coupon Savings Center

There's over 100 Coupons available as well as Coupon Codes!

14 different categories as well as several Favorite Brands

Start saving and getting discounts by clipping your coupons now!

Chad Flick's Coupon Savings Center


Chad Flick

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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Here's How You Can Help!

I really need to ask a HUGE favor today!

My cousin Richard was in 1st place for a Facebook Page makeover Contest that Keith Wellman is putting on. Now he's in 2nd. The person with the most "Like"s to their comment wins. If you could go "Like" his comment it would be much appreciated.

I really want to help him win this so that's why I'm asking for YOUR HELP!

Here's how you can help!

1st - Log into Facebook

2nd - You need to "Like" the page itself here:

3rd - Then find the comment(18th comment or so by Richard Flick Jr) and "Like" that as well!

"Like" the 18th comment(Richard Flick Jr) or so here: Does Your Facebook Page Need Work?

Thanks in advance... He really deserves to win this so let's help him do that!

Chad Flick

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Friday, February 04, 2011

They Build Your First 1000 _____ For You

Today I have something that has gone completely under the radar with all these new product launches we've been seeing. And he never even told anyone he was launching it!

My friend Anik Singal whom I've learned and am still learning a ton from, made a short video for you that talks about "business models" for anyone who is just starting online...

There is ONE thing that most miss and because of it, even if they make millions, they eventually go bankrupt...

Check it out... it's also the one thing that makes him the MOST money in his business (He'll even prove it to you...)

Overtime the system GROWS and the money gets bigger and bigger to the point that it's a full-time business running itself!

AND...people at GOOGLE or any other company can't "take it away" from you!

He'll be taking the video down for sure, probably in a few days. It's short though, so why wait, just take a quick break and watch!

Watch The Video Here

See you there,

Chad Flick

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Saturday, January 29, 2011

Military Grade Automated Traffic Tool

Wow, I've found something that has really gotten my attention! I'll tell you all about it in a second.

Let's first start right here...

If you're like me, you are sick of seeing all the same software programs that have been floating around the internet being promoted by different "gurus".

Mind you some of them are actually really good, but on the other hand I've received several software programs that were the exact same thing and they didn't really boost my profits the way they were hyped up to do.

Some of them I've been able to test out first while others I've had to purchase to test them and find out they also didn't work as great as I thought they would.

But what I'm about to share with you will more than likely capture your attention as well.

I'm talking about a Military Grade Automated Traffic Tool that was never designed to even be released.

At first I was thinking this was another piece of crap software that would just sit on my computer and I sure wasn't going to shell out any cash for it...

However, the more I learned about it, the more I liked it.

So of course I'm confident in encouraging you to check it out yourself!

I really don't want to hype it up but here's some of what it has already done!

* $127 in 4 minutes
* 5 cash sites in 9 minutes
* 2752 free traffic visitors in 13 minutes

Be prepared, the results here WILL *shock* you...

Military Grade Automated Traffic Tool

To Your Success,

Chad Flick

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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

FACT: 5 Billion Mobile Devices = HUGE Cash! (details inside)

There's a lot of "buzz" about a new product for making easy money online ...

... most likely because this brand NEW product reveals a little-known method for tapping into a HUGE source of hungry buyers!

FACT: Did you know there are over 5 BILLION people that own a mobile device!

That's 5 times MORE people that own a home computer!

SO ... with that said, would you like to see how to make an easy $1,322 by promoting affiliate products to those 5 Billion people?

My friend Dave Guindon (I purchased several of his awesome products) just released a killer set of easy step-by-step blueprints showing you EXACTLY how to make easy cash from mobile devices!

In fact, he reveals EVERYTHING in his easy-to-follow videos ... he even shows you the exact campaigns that made him money!

But ... what really impressed me is the fact that Dave shows you REAL campaigns that make $1,322 in 2 shorts weeks from SCRATCH!

I highly recommend checking out the testimonials to get an idea of just how amazing these new blueprints really are!

Mobile Success Blueprints

To Your Success,

Chad Flick

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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Sick Of Being Sold Every New Money Making System Under The Sun

I want to talk about something that really bugs me about the internet marketing industry and it may upset you a little…

Let's be honest with each other here.

Are you sick of being sold every new money making system under the sun?

Are you tired of being told that "This" is what you need to finally have some real success?

Are you fed up with seeing over-hyped products that under-deliver on every promise they make?

Well, I am too...

Maybe it's a traffic robot, or a copywriting workshop, or a mass article submitter to bring in traffic, it really doesn't matter.

Because the simple fact is that you can buy all the products and systems you want to, but not one of them will ever teach you how to build a real, profitable, long term business.

And isn't that what you want to build?

A real business that gives you real results?

I know that's what I wanted when I got started in internet marketing.

And no single system will ever teach you how to do that.

You don't want to make $10,000 one month and then have to scramble to make $1,000 the next month do you?

That's not a real business.

And unless you're willing to invest $5,000+ in a Top-Notch personal coach who has all the pieces of the puzzle for you you're pretty much screwed.

Enter the Millionaire Society… I actually just joined and am now looking for business partners.

Let's Build A Million Dollar Business Together!

A new mentoring program has just hit the market.

A program built by none other than Mack Michaels, the genius behind one of the Top Grossing Clickbank product of the last 2 years and a load of others.

The Millionaire Society is just what it sounds like, a society of millionaires and future millionaires who will give you every single piece you need to build a truly amazing business for yourself.

Mack has a support team of over 15 highly trained people who will personally assist you in your journey.

Not to mention the hundreds of hours of training that he has and will be adding to the society once you become a member today like I've already done.

Let's Build A Million Dollar Business Together!

Stop being hyped up about new systems, start building a real business right now.

The Millionaire Society is the ONLY place you will find this level of training, support and success.

I can't tell you just how highly I recommend this to you. I wish it had been available when I got started.

It sure would have made life easier for me. Hope I see you there! :-)

Let's Build A Million Dollar Business Together!

To your success,

- Chad Flick

P.S. I don't take the recommendation I'm giving you lightly. It is my honest opinion that the Millionaire Society is the absolute best place for you to start your your business or learn what you must do to grow your existing one.
Let's Build A Million Dollar Business Together!

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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Post Your Live Stream Ad In Real-Time

Today is very exciting for me because since last Friday I was quietly working on and testing out a new site that I put together. So far I'm really happy with the progress and am pleased to say it's officially live.

I want to personally invite you to post your F.ree ad at my new site that utilizes Facebook™. This is a concept I've been seeing lately but I took a little different approach.

It's actually pretty simple in that I wanted to be able to help people get their ads seen and if you understand how viral Facebook™ can be than you'll understand how this will work. It can bring you lots of traffic to your product or opportunity as people are sharing the page.

I am really excited to be able to offer this to you because I know it's going to be getting tons of great quality traffic, plus I'm getting ready to do a major campaign to launch it to the internet world.

With that said I hope you enjoy the F.ree traffic this site is going to be bringing you, so go ahead and like the page so your friends know about it and post your ad!

See you there!
Live Stream Ad

To Your Success,

Chad Flick

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Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Commission Shrapnel Ensues

I'm going to keep this super short today and simply give you my top product recommendation. The pin is pulled on the CB Cash Grenade... The Commission shrapnel ensues!

If you're at all interested in discovering how to make an
*absolute KILLING* pushing ClickBank affiliate products, then go check out the new 'CBCash Grenade' system from Simon & Jeremy


Because it's without any doubt one of the best video courses on affiliate marketing I've ever seen (and I've seen plenty)...

Go see for yourself:


These guys are the top affiliates for all those super affiliate guys you hear about and they're the ones all the big name marketers want to get on their personal JV lists...

... now they're revealing why, and it'll add tens of thousands a month to your bottom line!

CBCash Grenade is something you MUST see:


To Your Success,

Chad Flick

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Tuesday, November 02, 2010

1 SEO Trick 2300+ Optins Per Day

Today I have something pretty incredible for you! I just watched a video that showed how a guy is doing 1 "SEO" trick and getting over 2,300 optins per day! (I had been doing this for a few years now just not this way which is much easier).

I would have to bet that this has been overlooked by so many people it would make you crazy. I'm pretty sure most people have never even heard of this method before.

I always get excited when I can share something that I know will work for you so I hope you are prepared to be excited too! :-)

You can see the video here: ==> SEO Trick

This is one of the BEST ways I've ever seen to get on page #1 in Google WITHOUT doing SEO. He just sends out a few emails, and days later he's on page #1 - for VERY competitive keywords.

Check out the video here to see proof: ==> SEO Trick

To Your Success,

Chad Flick

P.S. - Yes, he's getting 2,300 optins a DAY consistently from this one trick. And it's something that NO ONE is doing...

==> SEO Trick

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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I've Made Crappy Mistakes

If I told you how many mistakes I've made in the past years and how many MILLIONS I lost, your jaw would drop.

BUT - best part is that I can make sure YOU won't make any of the same mistakes.

Seriously, unless you want to lose the same time and money that I did...

Empire Formula

Let me ask you a few questions...

-> Did you like Anik Singal's 158 Page book?

-> Did you learn a LOT from the videos?

-> What if I told you that was like 3% of what he has in store for you?

Seriously, Empire Formula is now LIVE and it takes everything you've learned so far and BLOWS it up - there are SO many more strategies that Anik shares...

He talks about them here: Empire Formula

He will take you through a journey- a STEP by STEP journey of Empire Building.

I mean it... NO information overload, just baby-steps...

-> 35 Hours of Action packed HD quality Video Training

-> 50 Action packed Courses filled that LITERALLY hold your hand in Empire Building.

-> Over 50 Powerful Checklists and Templates that COACH you along the way...

Remember, I said NO overload! And, that's STILL just a start - MUCH MORE!

Bottom-line is this, you have a chance right now to learn from my mistakes, and avoid
making them yourself...

He can only take a VERY limited number of students and I hear it's already running out of seats that FAST.

See for yourself, this is the BEST training I've seen put together (it took him over a year!)

So I'll see you on the inside!

Empire Formula

To Your Success,

Chad Flick

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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The #1 Mistake That Almost Cost Him His Entire Empire

2 years ago, Anik Singal made a HUGE mistake that almost cost him his entire business.

**The #1 Mistake That Almost Cost Me My Entire Empire**

Anik made an amazing video where he explains what he did and exactly how YOU can avoid it.

I watched it personally and was blown away. It’s not something ANY Internet Marketer ever talks about – yes, I’m that impressed.

Watch it right away – it’s not long at all, but incredibly valuable!

**The #1 Mistake That Almost Cost Me My Entire Empire**

I’ll see you there!

Oh, also, have you downloaded this 158 Page Free book? According to Anik, over 42,000 people have already downloaded this Book (in 2 weeks).

It has well over 2,000 comments and has gotten raving reviews!

Download the book here: **Empire Formula Book**

See you at the video!

Chad Flick

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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Amazing Book With A Proper Formula

So you may have been hearing about this F*REE 158 page book throughout the last week and a half or so.

I know I have been talking it up to everyone that I come in contact with. Matter of fact I blogged about it in my last post too.

The reason for that is that I've already read this book three times now so I know that the information will make a difference for you and the way you look at building your online empire.

I want to make sure EVERYONE gets a copy of this amazing book!

Most of us dream of building an online empire and this amazing book lays out a formula for you.

It's about a guy named Anik Singal. As you may or may not know Anik has made over $32 Million Dollars online.

It took Anik 7 weeks and 158 pages of writing and it may be one of the BEST books I've ever read!

The best part is and again you know I love telliing you this, it's ABSOLUTELY F*REE! :-)
Empire Formula Book

This F*REE yet information packed book reveals how a broke college student went to make his FIRST $300,000 online- the COMPLETE formula.

Again, there is NO CHARGE for this. There is NO SNEAKY upsells- just PURE information.

It's F*REE, go ahead and grab a copy today!
Empire Formula Book

To Your Success,

Chad Flick

P.S. Hurry and Grab your copy, who knows when he'll take it down!
Empire Formula Book

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Monday, October 04, 2010

Empire Formula Book 158 Pages Amazing Info!

I have got something really exciting to share with you today that I wanted to share with you on Saturday the day I read through this for the first time.

I know a lot of you may not be checking posts on the weekend so I've had all I could take just waiting to share it with you today.

It's about a guy named Anik Singal. As you may or may not know Anik has made over $32 Million Dollars online.

He just released an AMAZING book, I'm already going through it again for the second time now there's tons of great info in there.

It took Anik 7 weeks and 158 pages of writing and it may be one of the BEST books I've ever read!

The best part is and again you know I love telliing you this, it's ABSOLUTELY F*REE! :-)
Empire Formula Book

This F*REE yet information packed book reveals how a broke college student went to make his FIRST $300,000 online- the COMPLETE formula.

Again, there is NO CHARGE for this. There is NO SNEAKY upsells- just PURE information.

It's F*REE, go ahead and grab a copy today!
Empire Formula Book

To Your Success,

Chad Flick

P.S. Hurry and Grab your copy, who knows when he'll take it down!
Empire Formula Book

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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

How To Build Your Own Private Social Network

Today your going to want to pay attention I'm sure. Because I'm going to share with a way you can build your own private social network. It's going to be quick and easy and most importantly F*ree.

I Love being able to tell you that it's one of my favorite things in the world! :-) I've already started to build mine, and I'm pretty sure you are going to want to Thank me when you learn this.

But no need because it's totally my pleasure to bring this to you. What I would like is if you left your comments here letting me know if you started your own network yet and how much you like it.

If you're in a hurry just watch this video now:
How To Build Your Own Private Social Network

OK, so here's what this is all about.

It's a marketing FACT that to increase sales and traffic for your business, you need access to a large number of prospects.

While many spend hundreds of dollars every month advertising to targeted opt-in lists and several other sources of paid advertising, I can show you where to do it for F*ree and even experience better results!

The ANSWER is in building your Own Social Network! I know that now your saying, "How am I suppose to do that Chad and how the heck could it really be F*ree"? Well just keep reading trust me! :-)

It's been proven that having your own network of prospects will yield much better responses from your advertising than the traditional opt-in list.

Also, social networks are a great form of viral marketing that will grow exponentially.

The personal approach in social networks is more interactive, as a result produces much more responses then any opt-in list.

Understand that I'm not saying you shouldn't have an opt-in list, but this will also help you with that as well.

Ultimately social networks allow you to build relations and trust with your prospects directly.

Social networks allow you to build long term trust with your customers which in turn helps you build a solid foundation for your business.

Sit back and watch your network grow virally at warp speed. Social networks create viral marketing in the most human contagious form.

This video will show how you can build a private social network that will spread like wild fire. And most importantly, how you can do it for F*ree!

Watch the video, and build your network:
How To Build Your Own Private Social Network

I know I'll be seeing you there too! Don't forget to come back here and leave your comments. :-)

To Your Success,

Chad Flick

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Thursday, September 09, 2010

Do Fortune 500 Companies Want To Pay You?

Ok this is really crazy! Have you heard this story yet? I'm not going to take a ton of your time today but you are going to want to hear about this.

This 22 year kid from India is making over $700 a day without selling a thing.

He gets f.ree traffic and gives away f.ree stuff.

Then, BIG companies (I mean Big Fortune 500 companies) pay him to give away their f.ree stuff...

It's pretty insane!

I've seen the product and the training as well as how the system works and was actually pretty dang impressed...

This 22 Year Old kid reveals a crazy system that he does over $700 a day with...

=> NO websites (in many cases)
=> Free Traffic
=> NO selling (just giving away f.ree things)
=> 25 minutes a Day..
=> Just 4 steps to copy...

I totally recommend that you take a few minutes and check this out. It's not often you see a young kid much less anyone ever make this kind of money just giving away f.ree stuff with f.ree traffic...

Have a look: Give Away Stuff Get Paid

See you there!

To Your Success,

Chad Flick

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Friday, August 20, 2010

Flipping Domains Like Flipping Real Estate

I was looking around on the internet for other ways to make money online and came across this thing that's like flipping Real Estate.

But it's flipping Domain Names!

You know those shows on HGTV where people buy a house, fix it up and then flip it for huge profits?

Well, this is just like that only it's with internet domain names.

However, you don't just want to jump into something like this unless you know how to do it properly. So I set off to learn as much as I can about domain flipping.

While doing some research I found out that it's being taught by this place called The Millionaire Society.

I also posted some articles if you want to learn more about Domain flipping:
How To Make Money Flipping Domains

Regardless, this is some seriously interesting stuff. You have to see this!

Iimagine being able to buy a domain name for $10 and then flipping it for $1,000 in profit in under 14 days?

Go to... Domain Flipping By The Millionaire Society

To Your Success,

Chad Flick

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Thursday, August 12, 2010

Did Your Blog Pay Your Bills Last Month?

Today is going to be great for you if you're a blogger, these 300+ blogging gifts will help!

The Ultimate Blogging Giveaway Is LIVE and that means...

It's time to get your hands on the largest selection of Free Blogging Gifts and related products that will assist you in ALL aspects of your online efforts.

Stephanie Mulac predicted that this event would be every bit as big as her last, and she's delivered!

The line up of gifts I've seen are some of the most unique and fresh Blogging and Marketing Related products I've seen on the net today! Plus I have contributed to this giveaway myself as well so of course I would love to see you take advantage. :-)

She's assembled the who's who in Internet Marketing and you'll be able to grab 1000s of dollars worth of free products, services, ebooks, audio, video, memberships, courses and more...

All geared toward blogging and anything related to blogging such as:

  • Wordpress Training

  • Driving traffic

  • Blog Themes

  • Wordpress Plugins

  • Affiliate Marketing

  • Graphics

  • Copywriting

  • PLR & Blog Posting Content

  • And So Much More...!

  • This event only lasts for 15 days, so don't delay and get over there now:

    Ultimate Blogging Giveaway

    To Your Success!

    Chad Flick

    P.S. Download all the gifts immediately and check back often because more are being added all the time: Ultimate Blogging Giveaway

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    Monday, August 09, 2010

    The Most Important Site Of 2010

    You need to see this...

    It's the most important website you'll visit this year.

    Here's why...

    On that site you'll discover about a new automated system that exploits a $100m loophole.

    Now this system was put to the test and here's the results...

    From scratch it produced $4,264 in the first 7 days.

    And on to generate $27,353 in it's first month.

    Now next is where this gets very interesting.

    The momentum of this system grows and grows and last month it earned a massive $221,555!

    Yes... Almost a quarter of a million dollars in a single month just a few months after starting.

    Just click below to watch a free video all about this amazing new system...

    Auto Blog System X

    With $221,555 a month in profits I think you understand why this website will be the most important you visit all year... If not the most important of your entire life.

    You now have a VERY REAL chance to start making some serious money online.

    With this underground loophole you DON'T need to worry about:

    Having an exiting website or blog
    Having lots of capital for investing in advertising... Just a few dollars needed
    Having any technical knowledge... It's all explained in a simple step-by-step process anyone can follow

    And it doesn't even matter if you've earned a single cent online before.

    You can start from scratch today knowing nothing and follow along to be making money tomorrow.

    In the test... $4,264 was generated in the first 7 days.

    Just visit the site now to get started and watch the free video...
    Auto Blog System X

    Now the creators and guys who have been testing this system are super confident anyone can make this work.


    So if YOU download the system and follow it they're going to GUARANTEE your success

    No joke!

    If you don't make at least $1,000 in the first 7 days then their going to hand you a $100 for giving it a shot.


    Think about it, you can try it out and the very worst case is you'll pocket a $100 in a week.

    BUT... Just think if you do just half as good as what the test showed...

    ... You'd be pocketing over $2,000 this very week.

    And around $14,000 in 30 days time.

    ... And with the growth momentum this system has you'll be cashing in over a million dollars in less than a year.


    You really need to check this out and download a copy while you can.

    Click below to do it now:
    Auto Blog System X

    To Your Success,

    Chad Flick

    PS. Less than 0.2% of people who receive this email or an email about this website and new system will ever get the chance grab a copy and make thousands.

    Here's why...

    There's 120,000 people like yourself been invited to watch this video.

    However... only 250 copies of the full system are available for download.

    And it's the first 250 to swipe a copy who'll be the lucky ones.

    That's just 0.2% of the people invited so don't wait around... Watch the free video now:
    Auto Blog System X

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    Monday, August 02, 2010

    Bigger Than Google + Facebook Put Together?

    Get Tons of F.ree ebooks, software, scripts and much much more!
    The Giftvault Giveaway

    Really exciting news for you today!

    If you haven’t realized just how big an opportunity mobile is going to be for affiliate marketers in 2010…

    …you need to watch this latest video by mobile superaffiliate Adam Horwitz now…

    ==> Mobile Monopoly

    because when you do you’ll see why while most marketers are stuck trying to figure out the latest tweaks and “tricks” on Google, Facebook and the rest of the “traditional” traffic sources…

    … this guy’s *consistently* banking over $1,005 a day on almost total autopilot — never having to change a thing in his proven system (with a traffic source that dwarfs Google, Facebook and every other search engine and Web 2.0 “social media” hotspot COMBINED.)

    This video’s coming down *very soon*, so make sure you watch it now to see exactly how he does it:

    ==> Mobile Monopoly

    To Your Success,

    Chad Flick

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    Wednesday, July 21, 2010

    The Mother Of All Affiliate Programs

    If you’ve ever heard of TheSecondTier you might wonder what all the hype is about. I’ve experienced a lot of affiliate programs and I got so tired of how little the companies seemed to care about me.

    I was busting my butt to make serious sales for them and all they would give me was a few ads and emails and that was it. I’m not one to complain normally but come on here, throw me a bone.

    As soon as I found out about Russell Brunson’s TheSecondTier I did a dance around my office (after I made sure no one was watching) Yeah I can be a weirdo sometimes! :-)

    Russell really knows what makes an affiliate happy and delivered it.

    TheSecondTier is an affiliate training center that, in addition to giving affiliates generous commissions for selling high-quality products, also trains them on HOW to become a successful affiliate.

    I knew you’d be interested so I included a link to TheSecondTier so you could check it out:

    The Mother Of All Affiliate Programs!

    Russell’s innovative two tier system means more commissions for us. Here’s how it works. Say you refer one other person to

    TheSecondTier and they start cranking out sales, you’ll still get a commission check even if you didn’t make one sale that month.

    This was always the case, but recently, the site went under major renovations.

    To be honest, I felt like my arm was cut off for a few days while it was under construction but the wait was absolutely worth it! Now, with a completely redesigned user interface and more resources than ever before it is now the most important tool I use to boost my income dramatically.

    I know that some people pay thousands to get into seminars where Russell teaches them how to become better affiliates and how to make more money on the web.

    But this is your chance to get FREE training from the expert and make some serious profits at the same time.

    Again, here is the link where you can get your own personal account to TheSecondTier:

    The Mother Of All Affiliate Programs!

    And if you haven’t done any internet marketing before, don’t worry. After you create an account you’ll have access to training videos that will walk you through the step-by- step process of affiliate marketing.

    So go ahead and do a little dance around your office too, I won’t laugh! :-)

    To Your Success,

    Chad Flick

    P.S. Check out the Affiliate Manager’s Blog. Brent and Garrett are very experienced and they have been posting their training there.

    The Mother Of All Affiliate Programs!

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